

1. 本会は日本イェイツ協会 (The Yeats Society of Japan) と称する。

2. 本会はわが国におけるイェイツの研究の促進を目的とし、あわせて海外の研究者との密接な連絡および協力をはかる。本会は、この設立の趣旨に賛同する会員により構成される。

3. 本会は次の役員を設ける。

     (1) 会長 一名
     (2) 委員 若干名

4. 会長は委員会の推薦により定め、委員は会員の選挙により定める。

5. 委員会の推薦により顧問を置くことができる。

6. 役員の任期は二年とし、重任をさまたげない。

7. 委員会は会長をたすけ会務を行う。

8. 本会は次の事業を行う。

     (1) 大会の開催
     (2) 研究発表会、および講演会の開催
     (3) 研究業績の刊行
     (4) 学会誌の発行

9. 本会の経費は、会費その他の収入によって支弁する。






1. The Society is to be called THE YEATS SOCIETY OF JAPAN.

2. It has as its objects the promotion of Yeats studies in Japan, and contact and cooperation with researchers abroad. The Society consists of the members who agree to its objects.

3. The Society has the following executives:

     (1) President
     (2) Committee

4. The President is to be appointed by the Committee, and the Committee is to be elected by the Society members.

5. The Society can have advisors by recommendation of the Committee.

6. The executives hold office for two years but may offer themselves for re-election.

7. The Committee supports the President to run the Society’s affairs.

8. The Society is to undertake:

     (1) an annual conference.
     (2) lecture meetings.
     (3) publication of members’work on Yeats.
     (4) publication of a Society bulletin.

9. Expenses of the Society are to be defrayed from membership fees, grants, etc.

10. The regular membership fee is 5,000 yen per year. However, the student fee is 2,000 yen per year.

11. Membership in the Society requires a written application and payment of the stated fee.

12. The Society may have branches.

13. Any amendment or addition to this Constitution requires the approval of the Committee and sanction at the Annual General Meeting.